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Domus Aurea

Swimming Pool, Sofia

Swimming Pool is an art project space in Sofia. It is located on a central rooftop with an empty pool built in the 1930s.

The program of the space is dedicated to artistic, curatorial and philosophical research. It encompasses exhibitions, performances, screenings, public programs, and collaborative projects.

Since the founding of Swimming Pool in 2014, Viktoria Draganova organizes its artistic program.


Æther is situated in the heart of Sofia, under the roof of Platform B. It is a project by Voin De Voin and Parsifal Marin.

In its essence the project aims at bridging scenes, places, art practices and wishes to start a dialogue between west and east expressed via the visions, critique and works by artists. On one hand Æther is a project and an exhibition space <Æther immaterial>, where the manifest is directed in opposition to the commercial art machine;

Another part of the space functions as a showroom and a store <Æther physical>, where thematic propositions are launched, forming a collection, that is both on display and for sale.

Email: contact@swimmingpoolprojects.org
Website: http://swimmingpoolprojects.org/


Domus Aurea at Swimming Pool and Æther
Image courtesy Swimming Pool

Domus Aurea

Sofia Art Weekend

28.09 - 30.09.2017


Over a weekend, two art spaces in Sofia – Æther and Swimming Pool – were transformed into a “golden house”, our domus aurea. The project initiated a conceptual collaboration searching for difference and resonances between two recently founded art spaces. It established a dialogue while underlining the importance of differences and the specific characteristic of each of us.
Domus Aurea was organized as the first Sofia Art Weekend with the intention to grow over the following years, proposing a program of joint choreography between the two spaces.


Æther proposed a site-specific installation, Aura, by Simeon Simeonov, and a twenty-four hour performance by Voin de Voin. Both works are, in a sense, a collective experience considered as a social experiment.


Ivan Spasov: Heavenly Blue Morning, Noon and the Pathway Behind Noon, held at Swimming Pool was an exploration of the oeuvre of composer and conductor Ivan Spasov (1934 - 1996) who was among the instigators of a Bulgarian Avant-garde in modern classical music.

The exhibition included selected scores, texts as well as documentary material. It was accompanied by a discussion and a performative concert of rarely played musical pieces and songs on the rooftop terrace.

Domus Aurea documentation: https://goo.gl/gcwoxY
A video of the concert: https://youtu.be/RU7_pmxSF6g

Domus Aurea has been realized with support from Gaudenz B. Ruf Award for New Bulgarian Art, Kultura Programme of Sofia Municipality and Professor Ivan Spasov Foundation, Plovdiv.